Just wondering. How do you find a good hair salon to get a good cut without actually trying lots of different ones and maybe running into a bad one first.
How do you find a good hair salon to get your hair cut without trying them first?
Notice other women's hairstyles. Then approach them, complementing them. Ask where and who cuts their hair. I have done this many times, especially after moving to a new area. Women WILL respond, and I have found some of the best, and least expensive, stylists in the US this way. Having lived all over the country, finding a good stylist is just as important as finding a good doctor, dentist, mechanic and plumber! This has always worked for me!
How do you find a good hair salon to get your hair cut without trying them first?
ask your friends where they go anyone with a good hair do ask em where they had it done
How do you find a good hair salon to get your hair cut without trying them first?
My advice to people is always this: When you see someone who has hair that you envy ask them where they have their hair done. When you hear the same salon or stylist's name several times........that's the one!
Also, if you call a salon to book an appointment and they can get you in THAT day....there's a reason! You should want to book with someone who has at least a 2 week wait.
Good luck!
How do you find a good hair salon to get your hair cut without trying them first?
Well honestly that is like so easy, you go into the salon and look around and if it is full you know that they do good to hair and if it is empty you know they suck when i say full i mean loads of people waiting even when there are loads of hair stylists around then you know that they do a good job that is simply it
How do you find a good hair salon to get your hair cut without trying them first?
When it comes to getting your hair done, word of mouth is everything. However, if that is not possible there is a simple rule that I have always lived by when it comes to my hair.
"Never let a person do your hair if their hair looks like sh*t."
Walk into a salon, if they ask if you need help, just tell them you would like to look at there hair books, then start surveying the room. Listen to the conversations, pay attention to techniques and eventually you will know it that facility or stylist can help you. Finally, as questions! Find out what a persons level of experience is.
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